Why exactly should you subscribe to the Life After Levaquin website? Where does your information go? What exactly do you “get” for signing up?  I will answer these questions and more.

Why subscribe?

When you subscribe you will get notifications from this website.  This is a very low volume website, meaning that I will not be spamming your inbox with dozens of emails to sell something.  When I post and article, send out a newsletter, or have important information on research, or advocacy, you would receive a notification. Who knows, you may be given the opportunity to participate is something groundbreaking in the future.

Didi I mention that this is a low volume offering? In other words, I don’t ‘pump out’ lots of unnecessary information. I hate spam, so I promise never to sell your information for marketing purposes, or share your information (unless you give me express permission to do so such as with a researcher that is looking for participants (in that case I would more than likely give you the researcher’s information)).

One more thing, I do not personally profit from this site. Yep, that’s right. This blog does not exist to make me money, or fame, for that matter. As a matter of fact, it actually makes me more infamous then famous, so I won’t be asking you to pay me for my time. This site does contain the occasional affiliate link which, if you purchase something through an affiliate link, does not cost you one penny more.  In the future I plan on selling a book as well.  However, any proceeds from the affiliate links (and there’s not that much believe me) and/or book sales goes to FQ research.  Also, I may ask you to donate to research from time to time (not directly, just advertised on the website).  If you want to donate great, if you don’t or can’t that is fine to, but let me reiterate, I do not need your money and I do not profit monetarily from this blog. You can read my monetization policy at the bottom of my About Page here and you can read my ethics pledge here.

What is the purpose of the newsletter that I send out periodically?

The newsletter usually provides important news regarding FQ’s.  It is periodic in nature.  That means not very often.  As a matter of fact, there have been many years that I only sent out one, I repeat one, newsletter in an entire year. 

Where does my information go when I sign up?

Let’s face it, this is the number #1 reason why guests hesitate to subscribe. “Is my information safe?” “Will it be shared or sold?” “Will this invite unwanted spamming?”

We (I and my webmaster) are committed to keeping your data confidential. I do not sell, rent, or lease our subscription lists to third parties, and I will not provide your personal information to any third party individual, government agency, or company at any time unless compelled to do so by law.   Anyway, if you ask to have your data removed, I simply go in and remove your data, no questions asked.  Also, you have the option under ‘settings section’ of the “Profile” screen to delete all your data.  Detailed information on how to remove your data is available in my privacy policy here.

To reiterate, Yes. Your information is safe. No, your information will not be shared, traded, or sold. Subscribing to my site will not invite unwanted spam. My reputation is very important to me and I would never jeopardize the loyalty and trust of my readers. Also, my “tech guy” has www.MyQuinStory.info, www.myquinstory.com, & www.lifeafterlevaquin.com, a very secure host. His security standards are high.

So if you are ready you can:
