Donating to Research and/or Helping Others
On this page I offer various options to those who want to donate to Fluoroquinolone Research or Help with Fluoroquinolone related causes. If you can’t afford to donate to research, don’t worry, I also list other ways you can help.
My Caveat: Retiring from a career in law enforcement, I want you to know that I abhor victimization or the making of money off of other’s misfortunes, especially health related issues. Oh yes, I know that it is common place on the Internet today and our entire medical industry is based on this, but I still don’t like it. I have seen FQ toxicity destroy lives, ruin marriages, and make people homeless and destitute. Because of this I want you to know that I do not personally make any money through this blog. Personally, I do not need anyone’s money. Despite being floxed, I was able to retire with a pension, albeit much smaller due to my having to retire early because of the Levaquin, but I was able to get healthcare for my family. In 2018, I was also able to win disability due to my floxing.
Why We Need Donations For Research: I also abhor asking for money but I also understand the need to fund research. We have only three academic researchers in the U.S. that officially research FQ’s and FQAD on an academic level. The problem is that the research is NOT community directed or funded. It is highly unlikely, no its damn near impossible, to get funding to research a popularly prescribed drug, so researchers do not have many options. Instead what they do and when the can, is piggy-back FQ research into other grants, etc… This means that very little research actually gets done and it usually is limited in scope. The bottom line is that we do not get a very big bang for our buck and it won’t result in any tangible treatments for the foreseeable future.
There are a few FQ related non-profits that are in our community. The problem is that these non-profits are either involved in advocacy or they are chasing the elusive ’cause’ of FQAD. Although I have nothing against these non-profits, and they may serve a useful function, they are not working towards any tangible treatments for the foreseeable future.
Bottom line, my goal is to get usable treatments out to the community sooner than later.
My Proposed Research Solution
If we had an unlimited pool of money, I believe we would already have treatments for floxed individuals, or at least some of them, as the technology to determine ‘what’ is uniquely breaking in each person already exists. The problem is that money does not exist.
As far as I know, and I have been around the FQ community for quite some time, I am the only one who has a goal of researching true treatments to help sooner than later. Don’t get me wrong, there are some alternative practitioners and doctors who claim to have various treatments, but none of them pan out to be of much help to the larger community. As a matter of fact, many people get harmed by many of these “treatments.”
To be truly helpful and long lasting, a person needs to know ‘what’ is breaking before attempting treatment. The technology now exists to find the answers, it just needs to be tweaked for floxing.
My Research Plan:
Metabolomics & Seahorse Bio Science Assays
Research: Using metabalomics & Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test, I want to develop a combination testing that will identify “what” is breaking in each floxed person. Initially I will do this running metabolomic assays on myself and a few select floxed folks through a private metabolomics lab in the U.S. That will happen in several phases, as long as my health holds out. I have already started some of the preliminary aspects of this running tests on myself. Concurrently I will be working conducting Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test, which currently is the best optimized solution for assessing mitochondrial function.
After performing some initial individual metabolomics I will hopefully be able to collect enough money to then fund metabolomic assays with Dr. Beatrice Golomb at UCSD. She has the expertise, and the equipment to take it to the next level. She is however in need of funding to do so, since she takes no funding from the pharmaceutical industry. It is important however to collect the necessary amount before this phase is started, as opposed to just trickling in donations directly to her. By going into the research with a ‘full purse’ and the preliminary metablomics already completed, the research can be community directed and still remain academically authoritative. If you would like to donate to this endeavors click the link below (make sure to mark your donation for Metabolomics in the payment notes field so it will be earmarked solely for this purpose):
Please note: If at any time I am unable to complete any of these research trials, the totality of the money earmarked for FQ research would be donated to Dr. Beatrice Golomb at UCSD for ongoing FQ research.
Other Donation Options:
Supplement Fund: Occasionally, I get asked to help out a chronically floxed person with a supplement purchase. Usually these requests are from people that I personally can vouch for and usually for a one time purchase to get through a tough spot. Although I personally help out when I can, I often have to decline these requests for assistance. If you feel led to donate to the small fund that I endeavor to keep to help out these individuals, you may do so by clicking the link below (make sure to mark your donation for supplement fund in the payment notes field so it will be earmarked solely for this purpose):
Helping Without Donating: Supplement purchases.
If you have no means to financially donate to Fluoroquinolone research and you still want to help other individuals in a more immediate sense there is another option for you. Virtually everyone I know makes online supplement purchases. If you do make online supplement purchases, you can have your purchase earn credits without paying any more and these credits will be used to help fellow floxed individuals.
Helping Out Submitting Content or Volunteering
I can always use help. As you can imagine maintaining a website such as this can be a daunting task, especially if you are dealing with a chronic illness. I can always use help with content for articles, writing articles, editorial work on various website sections, video and audio creation, and social media updates. If you are so inclined or have a great idea for an article, or want to help in any of the areas
Website Upkeep: I have a professional web developer who actually runs the nuts and bolts of the website programming. For the most part he does this pro bono and I pay for the design, web-hosting, because it is my passion. Nonetheless, this is a grassroots endeavors and I compete with websites that are much bigger and better funded. Maintaining this website takes a considerable amount of bandwidth and behind the scene costs to keep the website up and running. Also, any money in the fund would be used to keep the website up and running if anything would happen to me. If you feel led to donate to the website’s upkeep you may do so by clicking the link below (make sure to mark your donation for Website Upkeep in the payment notes field so it will be earmarked solely for this purpose):
Donating to Academic Institutions
If you are not comfortable with any of the above options and you want to donate to academic institutions that I have worked with on FQ toxicity, I have given some options below for two of them (the other is University of South Carolina School of Medicine but they do not take external donations). Most donations for the institutions listed below should be tax deductible but please check with your tax advisor for specific questions. To be brutally honest, most donations given directly to U.S. Academic institutions do not provide a very big ‘bang’ for your buck, unless it was a very large amount. I cannot promise that donations given to academic research will be used in the most judicious way possible. Instead, I believe it would be better to utilize one of the options above. Still, if you wish to donate to them, please feel free.
Dr. Golomb – University of California Sand Diego (UCSD)
Dr. Golomb accepts no financial support for her research from the pharmaceutical industry. Her team is always accepting donations to the “Fluoroquinolone Effects Study” care of UCSD. To learn how to donate to Dr. Golomb’s work you can go here: Instructions on how to contribute are listed.
Dr. Mark Noble – University of Rochester
To donate to the U of R for FQ research, contact:
Jill Van Atta
FQ Toxicity Study
Dept. of Stem Cell & Regenerative Medicine Institute
University of Rochester Medical Center
601 Elmwood Ave., Box 633
Rochester, NY 14642
How To Donate: In order to keep things simple the best thing to do is to send money via or use your existing PayPal account to send money to Friends and Family. Since I am not a business and am not offering any ‘goods’ in exchange for money, both ways work.
Option #1: – Just click the “Donate” link blow. also has a friends and family option which I show how below. This keeps PayPal from taking a chunk out of the money that they would do if I was business selling goods and services, which I am not. Again, I do not profit from this in anyway.

Option #2: PayPal Friends and Family. Just follow the directions below. Again, this option keeps PayPal from taking a chunk out of the money that they would do if I was business selling goods and services, which I am not. Again, I do not profit from this in anyway.
In order to send money using PayPal Friends and Family you have to have a PayPal account.
- Login to you PayPal Account.
- Click Send & Request
- Under Send Money, enter the email:
- When prompted, select Sending to a friend.
- Enter the payment amount, add a note to tell me what the funds are to be used for and click Submit.